VBA Excel Function for returning file size in byte VBA Excel Function for returning file size in byte vba vba

VBA Excel Function for returning file size in byte

There is a very nice and simple VBA function, which was not mentioned so far, FileLen:

FileLen("C:\Temp\test file.xls")

It returns the size of the file in bytes.

In combination with looping through files in a directory it's possible to achieve what you originally wanted (get sizes of files in a folder).

Here how to use it in Excel Cell:


If you have a german Windows than:


Here is the function for the VBA modul: (Just enable the Developer tools, and copy and paste this into a new modul)

Function GetDirOrFileSize(strFolder As String, Optional strFile As Variant) As Long'Call Sequence: GetDirOrFileSize("drive\path"[,"filename.ext"])   Dim lngFSize As Long, lngDSize As Long   Dim oFO As Object   Dim oFD As Object   Dim OFS As Object   lngFSize = 0   Set OFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   If strFolder = "" Then strFolder = ActiveWorkbook.path   If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then strFolder = strFolder & "\"   'Thanks to Jean-Francois Corbett, you can use also OFS.BuildPath(strFolder, strFile)   If OFS.FolderExists(strFolder) Then     If Not IsMissing(strFile) Then       If OFS.FileExists(strFolder & strFile) Then         Set oFO = OFS.Getfile(strFolder & strFile)         GetDirOrFileSize = oFO.Size       End If       Else        Set oFD = OFS.GetFolder(strFolder)        GetDirOrFileSize = oFD.Size       End If   End IfEnd Function   '*** GetDirOrFileSize ***