Disable eslint-prettier with vue on annoying vue's html formatting Disable eslint-prettier with vue on annoying vue's html formatting vue.js vue.js

Disable eslint-prettier with vue on annoying vue's html formatting

"rules": {  "max-len": ["error", 140, 2, {     ignoreComments: false,     ignoreRegExpLiterals: true,     ignoreStrings: false,     ignoreTemplateLiterals: false,  }],   "vue/max-attributes-per-line": "off"}

Add this to your rules, in your .eslintrc file you can adjust the number 140 to your preference so that it doesn't wrap the files to 80 characters which is default.

I see you are using Prettier as a code formatter:On the Prettier config: .prettierrc (create it if doesn't exist) put 120 or 180 for the printwidth. The default is 80.

{  "printWidth": 120}

You can override here other options too.See the documentationPrettier Options