How to get current route name in Nuxt.js? How to get current route name in Nuxt.js? vue.js vue.js

How to get current route name in Nuxt.js?

yes you can use vuejs route objects like $ or $route.path


return current path


The name of the current route, if it has one.

Route Object Properties

A route object represents the state of the current active route. It contains parsed information of the current URL and the route records matched by the URL.

  • $route.path

    • type: string

    • A string that equals the path of the current route, always resolved as an absolute path. e.g. "/foo/bar".

  • $route.fullPath

    • type: string

    • The full resolved URL including query and hash.


And if you want to get the url params. Like this : enter image description here You do this:

  data() {    return {       zone: this.$nuxt.$,       jour: this.$nuxt.$route.query.jour    }   },


An alternative way is to use either of the following:

  • this.$route.path → Example on http://localhost:3000 , {{this.$route.path}} will print /
  • this.$ → Example on http://localhost:3000, {{this.$}} will print index

for Nuxt v2 useRouter composition API

import { computed, defineComponent, useRoute } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'export default defineComponent({   setup() {       const route = useRoute()       const routeName = computed(() =>       return { routeName }   },})