How to work with Typescript in .vue files using VS Code? How to work with Typescript in .vue files using VS Code? vue.js vue.js

How to work with Typescript in .vue files using VS Code?

For Q1, put the Typescript code into a separate script.ts file and include it in App.vue like:

<script lang="ts">   import s from './script'   export default s</script>

For Q2, as suggested by @Oswaldo, you can defined a vue.d.ts file that has the following content:

declare module '*.vue' {  import Vue = require('vue')  const value: Vue.ComponentOptions<Vue>  export default value}

If you put this file in the ${Project_ROOT}/typings folder, you need to include this type file in your tsconfig.json like

"typeRoots": ["./typings"]

Then you can import *.vue file with the .vue postfix:

import App from './App.vue'

If you don't like to include the .vue postfix, you can put all Vue components in a single folder such as src/components and change the vue.d.ts as the following:

declare module 'src/components/*' {  import Vue = require('vue')  const value: Vue.ComponentOptions<Vue>  export default value} 

The src is defined webpack.base.conf.js as an alias for an absolute path.

resolve: {  extensions: ['.js', '.vue', '.json', '.ts'],  alias: {    'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js',    'src': resolve('src')  }}

Then you need to use the full path to import a component without the .vue postfix:

import App from 'src/components/App'

Both are not elegant solutions but the red underline is gone.

For Q2, vue-class-component come with a solution,sfc.d.ts,hope it can helps you. If you have any idea for Q1, please inform me

For Q1 I found a nice VS Code extension called vetur with intellisense support

For Q2 It can't be achieved with .vue files, need to use only .ts with template inside it