scrolling list in Vuetify scrolling list in Vuetify vue.js vue.js

scrolling list in Vuetify

I achieved this by giving the style of max-height: 100px and adding vuetify class overflow-y-auto to <v-list></v-list>

For eg:

<v-list       style="max-height: 100px"       class="overflow-y-auto">    <template              v-for="user in users"    >        <v-list-tile                    :key=""                    avatar                    @click=""        >            <v-list-tile-content>                <v-list-tile-title v-text=""></v-list-tile-title>            </v-list-tile-content>            <v-btn icon>                <v-icon>edit</v-icon>            </v-btn>        </v-list-tile>            </template>    </v-list>

For vuetify 2.0 the helper class 'scroll-y' is changed to 'overflow-y-auto'. (Just Ctrl+F 'scroll-y')So use.

<v-list style="max-height: 100px" class="overflow-y-auto">

For the record, you don't actually need to use a style attribute at all, you can do it with the overflow-y-auto class and a max-height prop:

<v-list class="overflow-y-auto" max-height="400">

Vue 2.6.10, Vuetify 2.0.0