Vue.js: Nuxt error handling Vue.js: Nuxt error handling vue.js vue.js

Vue.js: Nuxt error handling

The reason why option #4 is not working is because you're returning a function that never gets executed:

function catchPlugin(outerFunction) {   return function async innerFunction(args) {     try {       const data = await outerFunction(args);       return { data }      } catch (error) {       return { error }     }   }}


const execute = catchPlugin((args) => {  // do something})execute('myArgument');

As you can see you need to execute the inner function as well, to make your example work:

onLogin: this.$catch(async function () {    await this.$store.dispatch('auth/login', { email:, password: this.password });    this.$router.push('/home');})(), // mind the () :-)

But... I believe handling errors in components is not a bad thing, since this is tightly coupled to your view component. For instance, think about a login component, what we see these days is a global error handler (toastr) which will display a toast message if the username/password is incorrect. From my experience this is not the best behavior, it's a good starting point but better would be to add error messages close to the component displaying what exactly went wrong. Meaning you will always have to add error handling (UI related) in the component itself.

We're also struggling with this in our company with colleagues working on the same product. One is adding error handling, the other one is not.. The only solution, in my opinion, is to educate developers to always add proper error handling. The syntax with async/await is not that bad:

methods: {   async login (email, password) {      try {         await this.$store.dispatch('auth/login', { email, password })         // do something after login      } catch (error) {         // handle error      }   }}

One last thing about your con: Errors not handled and stored in vuex.. Why is this a con? Do you need to have the error globally available? What I see a lot is people putting so much useless state in vuex that's only used in the component itself. It's not bad to have local component state. Since it's about login, this error should only be known in the login component.

Use Promise in action

Example in vuex:

NEW_AUTH({ commit }) {    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {      this.$axios.$get('/token').then((res) => {        ...        resolve();      }).catch((error) => {        reject(error);      })    })  }

In page:

this.$store.dispatch('NEW_AUTH')   .then(() => ... )   .catch((error) => ... )

To address the Con from Alternative 2 you can either

(a) pass in the name of the component or even a reference to the component or

(b) you can persist the error in the state for the component that made the call. Then in your component you could check if there is an error and display it. For that you could use a mixin to forgo the need for boiler plate.,

in store/auth.js:

export const actions = {    login({ commit }, { email, password }) {        return this.$'/api/login', {            email,            password,        }).then((res) => {            doSomething(res);            commit('save_to_state', { response: res });        }).catch((error) => {            commit('save_to_state', { error });        });    },}