Vue JS Watching deep nested object Vue JS Watching deep nested object vue.js vue.js

Vue JS Watching deep nested object

You could use the 'watch' method.. for example if your data is:

data: {    block: {        checkbox: {            active:false        },        someotherprop: {            changeme: 0        }    }}

You could do something like this:

data: {...},watch: {   '': function() {        // checkbox active state has changed        this.block.someotherprop.changeme = 5;    } }

If you want to watch the object as a whole with all its properties, and not only just one property, you can do this instead:

 data() {    return {       object: {          prop1: "a",          prop2: "b",       }        } }, watch: {    object: {        handler(newVal, oldVal) {            // do something with the object        },        deep: true,    },},

notice handler and deep: true

If you only want to watch prop1 you can do:

watch: {     'object.prop1' : function(newVal, oldVal) {         // do something here      }}

Other solution not mentioned here:Use the deep option.

watch:{  block: {    handler: function () {console.log("changed") },    deep: true  }}