VueJS multiple mixins VueJS multiple mixins vue.js vue.js

VueJS multiple mixins

Maybe you have a case like this. If you export a named module, not just by default, then you need to import it using curly braces.

In my mixin folder I have "regExpressions.js" file:

export const convertImage = {  methods: {   ...your methods here  }}

and "truncateString.js" file:

export default {  methods: {   ... your code here  }}

In my component I import my mixins.

import { convertImage } from "@/mixins/regExpressions";import truncateString from "@/mixins/truncateString";mixins: [truncateString, convertImage]

This is indeed the correct way to do it, I do this every day. When you say the mixin 'is not recognized', what does that mean. Perhaps you have a method or property by the same name in BOTH mixins - this this case, you have a conflict and the last passed conflicting method/property will survive, overwriting previous one(s) as they vue instance is compiled.