Vuejs template inheritance Vuejs template inheritance vue.js vue.js

Vuejs template inheritance

In the most general case if you have to repeat the same HTML over and over, one option you could use is <partial>s.

<partial name="header"></partial><div>My content content</div><partial name="footer"></partial>

Where you declare partials as

Vue.partial('header', '<h3>This is the title: {{title}}</h3>')Vue.partial('footer', '<footer>Mini footer</footer>')

However if you are building a Single Page Application the strategy you could follow is to simply have a header and a footer around your <router-view>, here is a jsfiddle that demonstrates how to do.

<header><h1>My title: {{title}}</h1></header><p>  <a v-link="{ path: '/foo' }">Go to Foo</a>  <a v-link="{ path: '/bar' }">Go to Bar</a></p><router-view></router-view><footer>Such footer, many links, wow!</footer>

If you know Chinses, please look it

// Base Component<template>  <div class="base-thing special-class">    <Button />  </div></template><script>import Button from './ButtonClick'export default {  components: { Button }}</script>// Inheriting Component<script>import BaseComponent from './BaseComponent'import Button from './OtherButton'export default {  extends: BaseComponent  components: {    Button  }} </script>

The Button of Child Component will be replaced OtherButton. We can do something in the OtherButton