Watching array stored in Vuex in VueJS Watching array stored in Vuex in VueJS vue.js vue.js

Watching array stored in Vuex in VueJS

First and foremost, be careful when using .sync: it will be deprecated in 2.0.

Take a look at this:, as this problem is solved in here. Basically, this checkbox should trigger a vuex action on input or change. Taken from the docs:

<input :value="message" @input="updateMessage">

Where updateMessage is:

vuex: {  getters: {    message: state => state.obj.message  },  actions: {    updateMessage: ({ dispatch }, e) => {      dispatch('UPDATE_MESSAGE',    }  }}

If you do not wish to track the mutations, you can move the state of this component away from vuex, to be able to use v-model in all its glory.

You just have to make a custom getter and setter:

<template>    <ui-checkbox :value.sync="thisCustomer"></ui-checkbox></template><script>    //this is using vuex 2.0 syntax    export default {        thisCustomer: {            get() {                return this.$store.state.customer;            },            set(val) {                this.$store.commit('SET_CUSTOMER', val);                // instead of performing the mutation here,                 // you could also use an action:                  // this.$store.disptach('updateCustomer')            }       },   }</script>

In your store:

import {    SET_CUSTOMER,} from '../mutation-types';const state = {    customer: null,};const mutations = {    [SET_CUSTOMER](state, value) {        state.customer = value;    },}

I'm not exactly sure what your store looks like, but hopefully this gives you the idea :)