fix to get smooth scrolling in emacs? fix to get smooth scrolling in emacs? windows windows

fix to get smooth scrolling in emacs?

I had the same problem! Tried all the scroll-* settings, didn't help when holding down arrow. But found this on which finally worked (for me at least):

(setq redisplay-dont-pause t)

This is what I have in .emacs for now:

(setq redisplay-dont-pause t  scroll-margin 1  scroll-step 1  scroll-conservatively 10000  scroll-preserve-screen-position 1)

scroll-conservatively helps, but I also like a margin so that I can see what's coming up as a scroll -- it keeps context on the screen for me. These settings have worked well for me an a wide variety of computers for a few years:

(setq scroll-conservatively 10)(setq scroll-margin 7)

Try this:

;; scroll one line at a time (less "jumpy" than defaults)(setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1))) ; one line at a time(setq mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil)            ; don't accelerate scrolling(setq-default smooth-scroll-margin 0)(setq scroll-step 1      scroll-margin 1      scroll-conservatively 100000)

And use pager.el.

;; Pager(require 'pager-default-keybindings)

That's what I want :) Enjoy!