PHP - PHP Warning: PHP Startup: in Unknown on line 0 PHP - PHP Warning: PHP Startup: in Unknown on line 0 windows windows

PHP - PHP Warning: PHP Startup: in Unknown on line 0

upgrade those modules using pecl command

Also, Check extension_dir directive in php.ini

I had the same problem. The issue is, that these lines are by default in php.ini

; On windows:; extension_dir = "ext" 

I assumed, that only an uncomment of the second line and Apache restart solves this problem. But it isn't!

I had to type a full path to the ext folder, such as below:

extension_dir = "d:\php-5.4.32\ext"

After this action, and restart of the Apache web server, the problem was solved.

You should check you php.ini file to make sure the extension_dir is exactly set.I had the same problem when i enable these five extensions:


The number of warnings is the same as the extensions that enabled.So i guess may be there is sth. wrong with the extension setting.When i change the extension_dir directive to the right dir, the problem resolved.