How do you add custom fields defined in posts to the rest API responses in wordpress How do you add custom fields defined in posts to the rest API responses in wordpress wordpress wordpress

How do you add custom fields defined in posts to the rest API responses in wordpress

First you need to register_rest_fields to adding custom endpoints in WP REST API JSON Response

add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'add_custom_fields' );function add_custom_fields() {register_rest_field('post', 'custom_fields', //New Field Name in JSON RESPONSEsarray(    'get_callback'    => 'get_custom_fields', // custom function name     'update_callback' => null,    'schema'          => null,     ));}

Then define your functions to get custom fields

function get_custom_fields( $object, $field_name, $request ) {//your code goes herereturn $customfieldvalue;}

Tested on local site

enter image description here

Use this plugin for this solution: as it allows you to expose the Advanced Custom Fields into their own JSON response via new endpoints listed here You can then forkJoin the two observables (if using Angular) and utilize the combined response toward your purpose.