Javascript Easing Javascript Easing wordpress wordpress

Javascript Easing

transition: margin-top,max-width .7s ease-in-out !Important;

You are applying the transition property to two properties but specify only one duration (etc.). This is how Firefox interprets that:

CSS analysis: the crucial property has a duration of 0s

Notice how the first duration is always 0s? That’s the issue (always look into the debugger and CSS analyzer, etc. first)!

Fortunately, Firefox also reformats the property in such a way that we know how to change the syntax and apply the values correctly:

transition: margin-top .7s ease-in-out,max-width .7s ease-in-out !important;

Now both transition properties have a duration and both have a timing function. Apply this to all your rules that use multiple transition properties and the transition at least works. Now you only need to tweak the values a bit and you should be fine.

Also: it’s !important, not !Important.

You can set the duration of the animation when calling toggleClass by passing an additional parameter representing the number of milliseconds of the animation.

Instead of calling:

<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function($) {$('.ubermenu-skin-vanilla.ubermenu-responsive-toggle').click(function(){$('#logo').toggleClass('logo1');$('#logo').toggleClass('logo2');});});</script>

try to use something like

<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function($) {$('.ubermenu-skin-vanilla.ubermenu-responsive-toggle').click(function(){$('#logo').toggleClass('logo1',1000);$('#logo').toggleClass('logo2', 1000);});});</script>