WordPress get_query_var() WordPress get_query_var() wordpress wordpress

WordPress get_query_var()

I managed to get the get_query_var() function to work.To use the two functions successfully, you need to add the query vars to wordpress's query vars array. Here is a code sample.

function add_query_vars_filter( $vars ){  $vars[] = "query_var_name"; return $vars;}//Add custom query varsadd_filter( 'query_vars', 'add_query_vars_filter' );

Now you can use get_query_var() and add_query_arg() as follows:

Add the query var and value

add_query_arg( array('query_var_name' => 'value'), old_url );

Get the query var value

$value = get_query_var('query_var_name');

More information and code samples can be found at the Codex: get_query_var and add_query_arg

To troubleshoot, what variables are being used in the request use following code

global $wp_query;var_dump($wp_query->query_vars);

If you check out the Codex, you'll see you actually need to do some fiddling to get WP to start reading your query string.

Codex (under Custom Query Vars)


In order to be able to add and work with your own custom query vars that you append to URLs (eg: "mysite com/some_page/?my_var=foo" - for example using add_query_arg()) you need to add them to the public query variables available to WP_Query. These are built up when WP_Query instantiates, but fortunately are passed through a filter 'query_vars' before they are actually used to populate the $query_vars property of WP_Query.