Wordpress- how to disable plugin update Wordpress- how to disable plugin update wordpress wordpress

Wordpress- how to disable plugin update

Disable plugin update

Add this code in your plugin root file.

add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', 'remove_update_notification');function remove_update_notification($value) {     unset($value->response[ plugin_basename(__FILE__) ]);     return $value;} 

Put this code in the theme functions.php file. This is working for me and I'm using it. Also this is for specific plugin. Here you need to change plugin main file url to match to that of your plugin.

 function my_filter_plugin_updates( $value ) {   if( isset( $value->response['facebook-comments-plugin/facebook-comments.php'] ) ) {              unset( $value->response['facebook-comments-plugin/facebook-comments.php'] );    }    return $value; } add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', 'my_filter_plugin_updates' );


"facebook-comments-plugin" => facebook comments plugin folder name

"facebook-comments.php" => plugin main file.this may be different like index.php

Hope this would be help.

The simplest and effective way is to change the version of the plugin which you don't want to get update.For an exampleif I don't want wptouch to get updated, I open it's defination file, which is like:

/*    Plugin Name: WPtouch Mobile Plugin    Plugin URI: http://www.wptouch.com/    Version: 4.0.4*/

Here in the Version change 4.0.4 to 9999like:

/*    Plugin Name: WPtouch Mobile Plugin    Plugin URI: http://www.wptouch.com/    Version: 9999*/