Implementing MVVM Light toolkit WPF Unity Implementing MVVM Light toolkit WPF Unity wpf wpf

Implementing MVVM Light toolkit WPF Unity

The way I use Unity on WPF (MVVM Light) is like this:

I create a bootstrapper class on the application root, something like:

public class Bootstrapper{    public IUnityContainer Container { get; set; }    public Bootstrapper()    {        Container = new UnityContainer();        ConfigureContainer();    }    private void ConfigureContainer()    {        Container.RegisterType<IMyRepo, MyRepo>();        Container.RegisterType<MainViewModel>();    }}

This is my bootstrapper. I register the ViewModels too because is easy create them in the Locator.

Next, I create the boostrapper on the ViewModelLocator's constructor and I resolve every ViewModel here, like:

public class ViewModelLocator{    private static Bootstrapper _bootStrapper;    static ViewModelLocator()    {        if (_bootStrapper == null)            _bootStrapper = new Bootstrapper();    }    public MainViewModel Main    {            get { return _bootStrapper.Container.Resolve<MainViewModel>(); }    }}

As you see, my ViewModelLocator is simple, it just create the bootstrapper and resolve the ViewModel, and these VM will resolve their dependencies through the container too :)

Maybe there is a best way to archieve this, but this is a good start indeed.

I would advise to use Managed Extensibility Framework. It's in .NET 4 and I switched myself from unity to MEF. I works very great when your app is growing. You can find lots of info on it by search using google.Good luck!