Vanilla WPF application hangs on one customer's machine Vanilla WPF application hangs on one customer's machine wpf wpf

Vanilla WPF application hangs on one customer's machine

Also, I recently had this experience in a more complicated example.


I tried this cleaning the font cache thing and it did nothing for my hanging application, but YMMV. Nevertheless it seems harmless.

Also tried NGEN'ing all the framework stuff but that did not resolve the problem.


In my MVVM app, I have an ItemsControl (generic, not a real ListBox) on a complex control dropped on a tab page. The ItemsControl presented about 14 'data rows' consisting of custom controls bound to a small collection, which itself was surrounded by a ScrollViewer. With the ScrollViewer surrounding, selected computers would thrash endlessly and get stuck. Commenting out the Xaml made the app behave totally OK which pretty much ruled out problems in the backing ViewModel.

Removing the surrounding ScrollViewer eliminated the problem and it was not really necessary anyway. I do suspect that the real problem lurks in a style somewhere but frankly did not have time or patience to investigate further...


<!--<ScrollViewer ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"                  ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" Grid.Row="7" -->    <ItemsControl   Grid.Row="7"             VerticalAlignment="Stretch"                HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"            Name="FileSettingsList"              ItemsSource="{Binding MigratorFiles.FilesCollection}"               BorderThickness="2"                                      HorizontalContentAlignment="Left"            Template="{StaticResource   FileNameSettingsItemsControlTemplate}"                                      ItemsPanel="{StaticResource FileNameSettingsItemsPanelTemplate}"             ItemTemplate="{StaticResource FileNameSettingsItemDataTemplate}"  >    </ItemsControl>    <!-- /ScrollViewer -->