mvc partialview @Ajax.ActionLink doesn't work mvc partialview @Ajax.ActionLink doesn't work ajax ajax mvc partialview @Ajax.ActionLink doesn't work

It could have been that you were missing the:

<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

In the main view. This tells the main view to recognize the ajax helper.

I found the solution. The problem was due to the corrupted unobtrusive-ajax.min.js file.

If you have jQuery loaded into your page, why not use the simple jquery get / load method to get the partial view ?

<div id="beReplaced">  <a href="#" id="lnk1">please click on me to bring the partial view</a></div>


$("#lnk1").click(function(){$.get('/controller/PatrialViewToBeCalled', function(data) {         $('#beReplaced').html(data);      });});