Calling WebAPI2 service from AngularJS with NTLM security Calling WebAPI2 service from AngularJS with NTLM security ajax ajax

Calling WebAPI2 service from AngularJS with NTLM security

Firefox (actually any browser other than IE) does not support native NTLM but you can get this to work with use of this add-on:

I use it and whitelist my internal domain and am able to make the same kind of calls from angular to WebApi as you can with IE. If you watch the network tab of the dev console you'll see the negotiation attempts with a couple 401 rejections before you get the 200, but that doesn't bubble up to your app until after negotiation is completed.

It seems to have something to do with either the order of the providers in IIS for the "Windows Authentication" option. The "Negotiate" providers needs to be removed from the list of providers and leave only NTLM. Please see article below for a step by step explanation on removing "Negotiate" from the list of providers in IIS. It worked for me.I hope it does for you.