Commonly-accepted approach in MVC for form within jQuery dialog Commonly-accepted approach in MVC for form within jQuery dialog ajax ajax

Commonly-accepted approach in MVC for form within jQuery dialog

My team and I have a lot of experience writing AJAX enabled MVC apps, and we have used all 3 approaches.

However, my favorite is definitely the AJAX-HTML approach -- Use a PartialView to render the contents of the dialog, which could include server-side validation messages and any other logic.

The biggest benefit of this approach is the separation of concerns - your Views are always responsible for rendering your HTML, and your JavaScript doesn't have to contain any text, markup, or "templates" needed to render the JSON.

Another big advantage is that all the great MVC features are available for rendering the HTML: strongly-typed views, HtmlHelper, DisplayFor and EditorFor templates, DataAnnotations, etc. This makes it easier to be consistent and lends well to refactoring.

Just remember, there's no requirement to stick to a single approach. When your AJAX call only needs something simple, such as a status update like "Success", it's fine to just use a string or JSON to convey those messages. Use PartialViews when HTML is needed, and use simpler methods when communication is needed.

Your 2nd method, the All-JSON approach, seems to be increasingly prevalent with MVC and MVVM client side libraries like Knockout

In this you could actually have all of the data in JSON (including the list) and edit list items (similar to their list item editor demo, just with a dialog rendering isntead of inline, and bind the data to readonly spans in your cells) and then serialize the entirety of the set back to the server on save. Or you could do it with piece-meal saves after each popup edit.


The JS could be cleaned up a bit, I didn't include a save button, but you should get the idea. The edit dialog could be a single template bound to one edit as well, instead of doing per row, this was just the simplest way to do it with Knockout.

I think the best way would be to render the list normally. Hook up the edit links to go to a separate page (follow me here) like you would normally do.

With JS handle clicking of the link, and do a get to it's href. In the edit action do a check for Request.IsAjaxRequest() and if it is, return a partial view if it isn't, return the full view. Or render the normal edit view without the master page (pass in null to the master page parameter in the View() call or call return Partial()). Take the contents of the result and put it into a dialog.

Also use JS to handle submitting the form and getting the result from the request. If it wasn't successful insert the contents of the view into the dialog to show that there were errors. Otherwise close it and move on.

The benefit to this approach is it's very unobtrusive and still allows functionality for those who don't have JS.