Conditional extends in Blade Conditional extends in Blade ajax ajax

Conditional extends in Blade

@extends((( Request::ajax()) ? 'layouts.ajax' : 'layouts.default' ))

in the master layout:

   @if(!Request::ajax())       //the master layout with @yield('content'). i.e. your current layout   @else       @yield('content')   @endif

This kind of logic should really be kept out of the template.

In your controller set the $layout property to be dashboard.master then instead of calling returning your view or response, terminate with just $this->layout->content = View::make('dashboard.template')

Take a look at the Laravel docs on this

You could end up with something like this

<?phpclass Something extends BaseController {    $layout = 'dashboard.master';    public function getIndex()    {        $template = View::make('dashboard.template');        if(Request::ajax()) {            return $template;        }        $this->layout->content = $template;    }}