Delphi serverside framework for managing sessions and respond with JSON to ajax requests? Delphi serverside framework for managing sessions and respond with JSON to ajax requests? ajax ajax

Delphi serverside framework for managing sessions and respond with JSON to ajax requests?

You can take a look at our Synopse SQLite3 Framework, which was just updated to version 1.11.

It serves the data in pure JSON, ready to be used in any AJAX application.

You can also easily create Services, more precisely Client-Server JSON RESTful Services. In this case, you can even not use SQLite3 for your data storage.

This framework is pure Open Source, compiles/run/is tested for Delphi 6 up to XE, is Unicode ready for all versions of Delphi (it uses UTF-8 internally).

By using this framework, you could be able to create easily also Delphi clients, using JSON data from the same server.

There is no internal User session handling yet. Because there are several way of implementing them, and, since our framework is RESTful, it's therefore stateless: no session is needed.

If you need it, I could easily add HTTP sessions using Cookies. What about the User authentication you are expecting?

Maybe this can help you:

REST Servers in Delphi XE Using DataSnap Whitepaper

Learn how to build REST servers using features available in Delphi XE, how to extend them with extra Delphi support code and how to take advantage of the jQuery library.

Marco Cantù

DelphiMVCFramework does this

Some notable features:

  • RESTful (RMM Level 3) compliant
  • Can be used in load balanced environment using Redis ( [dev]
  • Fancy URL with parameter mappings
  • Specialied renders to generate text, html, JSON
  • Powerful mapper to map json to objects and datasets to objects
  • Can be packaged as stand alone server, apache module (XE6, XE7, XE8) andISAPI dll
  • Integrated RESTClient Works with XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7and XE8 Completely unit tested
  • There is a sample for each functionlities
  • There is a complete set of trainings about it, but thesamples are included in the project Experimental support for IOCP[dev]
  • Server side generated pages using eLua (Embedded Lua) [removed soon]
  • Specific trainings are available (ask me for a date and a place)
  • Messaging extension using STOMP (beta)
  • Community driven (Facebook group
  • Simple and documented
  • There are books that talk about the framework

Project web site:

N.B. I'm the main developer