django and ajax dropdown based on selected dropdown django and ajax dropdown based on selected dropdown ajax ajax

django and ajax dropdown based on selected dropdown

You are using values method in your QuerySet and only sending swtype field value in context while rendering project_dropdown_options.html

Either remove the values method

result = SWTypes.objects.filter(proje=int(id))

Or add pk as well to values

result = SWTypes.objects.filter(proje=int(id)).values('pk', 'swtype')

Also, you don't have to convert QuerySet to list, you can loop over Queryset as well in the template

<option value="">---------</option>{% for sw in result %}   <option value="{{ }}">{{ sw.swtype }}</option>{% endfor %}


Change your parent HTML as well, replace name attribute of select tag with id, as you have attached JQuery change event on id i.e $("#projects").change

 <td>   <!-- add id in place of name -->   <select id="projects">    {% for instance in projects%}      <option value={{ }}>{{ instance.project_title }}</option>    {% endfor %}   </select> </td> <td>    <form method="post" id="personForm" projects-drop-url="{% url 'ajax_projects_dropdown' %}" novalidate>      {% csrf_token %}      <select name="sw" id="sw">         <option value="">Switch Type</option>      </select>    </form> </td>


Change your ajax call, remove data property and append id to URL itself as a query parameter, and use document on event

$(document).on('change', 'select#projects', function () {  var url = $("#personForm").attr("projects-drop-url");    var id = $(this).val();  console.log("urls and project_id", url, id);  $.ajax({     type: "GET",     url: url + "?id="+ id,     success: function (data) {           $("#sw").html(data);       }  });});