Dynamically Changing jQuery UI dialog box Button Text Dynamically Changing jQuery UI dialog box Button Text ajax ajax

Dynamically Changing jQuery UI dialog box Button Text

Although the question is very old I find the answer to be very simple and it has not been given here.

  • You can set an id for the button and use it.
  • All the dialog buttons are jQuery UI buttons hence you can use $().button() function to modify the button.

The JavaScript code is:

$('#dialog').dialog({    buttons:[{        id: 'buttonId',        click: function() {            // your function        }]});$('#buttonId').button('option', 'label', 'Please wait...');

Presuming you're using .dialog() with the buttons option, you can assign a custom class to the submit button, and then target the inner button text via the class that is assigned to the span (ui-button-text):

    $("#dialog-test").dialog({        title: "My dialog",        buttons:            [              {                  text: "Submit",                  click: function() {                    $(".my-custom-button-class > .ui-button-text").text("Please Wait...");                     $("#some-form").submit();                  },                  'class': 'my-custom-button-class'              }            ]    });

When your save completes via the submit(), you could use the same call to set the text back to what you want.

If it helps anyone: full implementation with example (PS: I borrowed getDialogButton() from another post on this site but can't remember link).

//-> Change to Loading Notice:setButton('.settingsDialog', 'Save', 'Saving...', false);setTimeout(function() { setButton('.settingsDialog', 'Saving...', 'Save', true); }, 800 );},//Select the Dialog Buttonsfunction getDialogButton( dialog_selector, button_name ) {  var buttons = $( dialog_selector + ' .ui-dialog-buttonpane button' );  for ( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i ) {     var jButton = $( buttons[i] );     if ( jButton.text() == button_name )     {         return jButton;     }  }  return null;}//Button Controller for AJAX Loading:function setButton(sDialogClass, sButtonName, sNewButtonName, bEnabled){    var btn = getDialogButton(sDialogClass, sButtonName);    btn.find('.ui-button-text').html(sNewButtonName);    if (bEnabled) {        btn.removeAttr('disabled', 'true');        btn.removeClass( 'ui-state-disabled' );    } else {        btn.attr('disabled', 'true');        btn.addClass( 'ui-state-disabled' );    }}