File path for AJAX script (in Wordpress) File path for AJAX script (in Wordpress) ajax ajax

File path for AJAX script (in Wordpress)

That's not the way to implement ajax in wordpress. All ajax request should be made to admin-ajax.php.

In your template file:

<script type="text/javascript">var ajaxurl = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>';</script>

In your js:

$.ajax({        url: ajaxurl,            type: "POST",        cache: false,        data: data + '&action=sendmail' //action defines which function to use in add_action});

in your functions.php:

function send_my_mail(){#do your stuff}add_action('wp_ajax_sendmail', 'send_my_mail');add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_sendmail', 'send_my_mail');

Read about Ajax in Plugins.

I would be recommended to you use system like Registry for save all "global" values in a one place.

Registry design pattern

There is my small jQuery plugin if this is may be interesting to you. GitHub rep

<script type="text/javascript">    $.Registry.set('urlMail', '<?php get_bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/templates/process.php';</script>

And to get value from the Registry you must use $.Registry.get('urlMail');

I've solved using the code provided by RRikesh but replacing

data: data 


data: data + '&action=sendmail'