FormData append item in array FormData append item in array ajax ajax

FormData append item in array

If your using FormData to send the data, you need to .append() each individual name/value to FormData. Since its a collection, you must include the collection indexer (which must be zero based and consecutive), for example

formData.append("Regions[0].Id", someValue);formData.append("Regions[0].Name", someValue);formData.append("Regions[1].Id", someValue);formData.append("Regions[1].Name", someValue);

Since your doing this in a loop, you can use

for (var i = 0; i < region.length; i++) {    formData.append("Regions[" + i + "].Id", region[i])}

 var regionList = [];    for (var i = 0; i < region.length; i++) {        var item = {            Id: region[i].Id,            Name : region[i].Name,        }        regionList.push(item);    }    regionList = JSON.stringify({ "item": regionList });//Here "item" name should match the parameter name in your Action method name in controller (item in your case.)

Then pass the regionList object to $.ajax as data.

 $.ajax({            type: 'POST',            url: '@Url.Action("AddByRegion", "News")',            data: regionList,            contentType: false,            processData: false,            ....        });