Get AJAX data from server before document ready (jQuery) Get AJAX data from server before document ready (jQuery) ajax ajax

Get AJAX data from server before document ready (jQuery)

I think that the problem is that you don't know exactly when the first function returns, since it'a asynchronous. So you should use the array in the callback only

function UseAjaxQueryForFillGlobalArray() {    // make the call    $.post(url, data, function() {        // let's be sure that the dom is ready        $(document).ready(function () {                // use the array            MakingInterfaceUsingGlobalArray();              }    }}();// invoke the function

It's like reviving this post from the dead, but I had the same problem today, jQuery version greater than 1.6 has this ability:

And I've used it like this:

$.holdReady(true);var remoteJSONContent = null;$.getJSON("", function(data) {    remoteJSONContent = data;    $.holdReady(false);});$(document).ready(function(){    console.log(remoteJSONContent);});

Without using holdReady, I was getting null, after, I got the content.

For anyone still searching the answer for this.