Getting the actual URL after a POST which redirected using jquery .ajax() Getting the actual URL after a POST which redirected using jquery .ajax() ajax ajax

Getting the actual URL after a POST which redirected using jquery .ajax()

I finally solved this issue by adding an additional header into all my responses (eg "X-MYAPP-PATH: /Admin/Index").

My javascript could thus be changed to the following:

success: function (data, textstatus, xhrreq) {    alert('You are now at URL: ' + xhrreq.getResponseHeader("X-MYAPP-PATH"));},

I still believe however that jquery should be able to give me the current URL, so I consider this a hack.

A better solution is to supply jQuery's ajax with a custom xhr object like this:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();$.ajax({    url: '/url',    type: 'post',    data: '...',    xhr: function() {         return xhr;    }});

Then you can access the current URL in any callback

success: function () {    alert('You are now at URL: ' + xhr.responseURL);}

First try to figure out the status code that is being returned by the redirection (its usually > 300).

success: function (data, textstatus, xhrReq) {        //if the status is greater than 300         if(xhrReq.status > 300) {           alert('You are now at URL: ' + xhrRequest.getHeader("Location"));        }    },

One more point to be noted that the order of execution:success\failure --> statusCode function --> Complete