How can I access the Content-Length header from a cross domain Ajax request? How can I access the Content-Length header from a cross domain Ajax request? ajax ajax

How can I access the Content-Length header from a cross domain Ajax request?

I was having the same problem, till I found a thread somewhere else that taught me to add this line on my .htaccess:

Header add Access-Control-Expose-Headers "Content-Length"

Then BOOM, it got fixed.

I've found CORS response header support in all browsers to be buggy. In Chrome/Safari, I only see simple response headers ( in the result of getAllResponseHeaders(), even when the "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" header is set in the response. And in Firefox 3.6.13, getAllResponseHeaders() doesn't return anything (not even simple response headers). As a workaround, I suppose you could overload one of the simple response headers to include the content-length, but that may cause other issues, and still wouldn't fix Firefox.