How can I update HTML pages dynamically with Indy HTTP server using jQuery and "Long Polling"? How can I update HTML pages dynamically with Indy HTTP server using jQuery and "Long Polling"? ajax ajax

How can I update HTML pages dynamically with Indy HTTP server using jQuery and "Long Polling"?

Here is a self-contained example project, tested with Indy version 10.5.9 and Delphi 2009.

When the application runs, navigate to The server will then serve a HTML document (hard-coded in the OnCommandGet handler).

This document contains a div element which will be used as the container for new data:

<body>  <div>Server time is: <div class="time"></div></div>'</body>

The JavaScript code then send requests to the resource /getdata in a loop (function poll()).

The server responds with a HTML fragment which contains a new <div> element with the current server time. The JavaScript code then replaces the old <div> element with the new.

To simulate server work, the method waits for one second before returning the data.

program IndyLongPollingDemo;{$APPTYPE CONSOLE}uses  IdHTTPServer, IdCustomHTTPServer, IdContext, IdSocketHandle, IdGlobal,  SysUtils, Classes;type  TMyServer = class(TIdHTTPServer)  public    procedure InitComponent; override;    procedure DoCommandGet(AContext: TIdContext;      ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); override;  end;procedure Demo;var  Server: TMyServer;begin  Server := TMyServer.Create(nil);  try    try      Server.Active := True;    except      on E: Exception do      begin        WriteLn(E.ClassName + ' ' + E.Message);      end;    end;    WriteLn('Hit any key to terminate.');    ReadLn;  finally    Server.Free;  end;end;procedure TMyServer.InitComponent;var  Binding: TIdSocketHandle;begin  inherited;  Bindings.Clear;  Binding := Bindings.Add;  Binding.IP := '';  Binding.Port := 8080;  KeepAlive := True;end;procedure TMyServer.DoCommandGet(AContext: TIdContext;  ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);begin  AResponseInfo.ContentType := 'text/html';  AResponseInfo.CharSet := 'UTF-8';  if ARequestInfo.Document = '/' then  begin    AResponseInfo.ContentText :=      '<html>' + #13#10      + '<head>' + #13#10      + '<title>Long Poll Example</title>' + #13#10      + '  <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> ' +        #13#10      + '  </script> ' + #13#10      + '  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> ' + #13#10      + '  $(document).ready(function(){ ' + #13#10      + '  (function poll(){' + #13#10      + '  $.ajax({ url: "getdata", success: function(data){' + #13#10      + '      $("div.time").replaceWith(data);' + #13#10      + '  }, dataType: "html", complete: poll, timeout: 30000 });' + #13#10      + '  })();' + #13#10      + '  });' + #13#10      + '  </script>' + #13#10      + '</head>' + #13#10      + '<body> ' + #13#10      + '  <div>Server time is: <div class="time"></div></div>' + #13#10      + '</body>' + #13#10      + '</html>' + #13#10;  end  else  begin    Sleep(1000);    AResponseInfo.ContentText := '<div class="time">'+DateTimeToStr(Now)+'</div>';  end;end;begin  Demo;end.