How do I show a confirmation dialog before submitting a form using the jQuery ajax method? How do I show a confirmation dialog before submitting a form using the jQuery ajax method? ajax ajax

How do I show a confirmation dialog before submitting a form using the jQuery ajax method?

The ajax function has a beforeSend event which you can use to show the dialog before the form is submitted.

If the dialog indicates that the form should not be submitted, then you would return false from your function so that the submission of the form does not take place.

In your case, you would do the following:

$.ajax({     beforeSend: function (request) {        // This is where you show the dialog.        // Return false if you don't want the form submitted.    },    type: "POST",     url: "delete/process.php",     data: "delcustomerid="+ delcustomerid,     success: refreshTable });

If you are issuing a POST for the form (which it seems you are), I highly recommend you take a look at the jQuery form plugin as it simplifies the process of submitting forms through AJAX calls a great deal for you, and uses all the same parameters a call to ajax does.

You need to create a function that makes the call you show after checking for user input.


function DeleteWithCheck() {  if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete customer "+delcustomerid.ToString()))  {    $.ajax({      type: "POST",      url: "delete/process.php",      data: "delcustomerid="+ delcustomerid,      success: refreshTable    });  }  else    alert("Aborted");}

Call this function when you want to do the delete.