How do you handle Rail's flash with Ajax requests? How do you handle Rail's flash with Ajax requests? ajax ajax

How do you handle Rail's flash with Ajax requests?

You can also store the flash messages in the response headers using a after_filter block and display them using javascript:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Baseafter_filter :flash_to_headersdef flash_to_headers  return unless request.xhr?  response.headers['X-Message'] = flash[:error]  unless flash[:error].blank?  # repeat for other flash types...  flash.discard  # don't want the flash to appear when you reload pageend

And in application.js add a global ajax handler. For jquery do something like this:

$(document).ajaxError(function(event, request) {  var msg = request.getResponseHeader('X-Message');  if (msg) alert(msg);});

Replace alert() with your own javascript flash function or try jGrowl.

And here is my version based on @emzero, with modifications to work with jQuery, tested on Rails 3.2


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base    protect_from_forgery    after_filter :flash_to_headers    def flash_to_headers        return unless request.xhr?        response.headers['X-Message'] = flash_message        response.headers["X-Message-Type"] = flash_type.to_s        flash.discard # don't want the flash to appear when you reload page    end    private    def flash_message        [:error, :warning, :notice].each do |type|            return flash[type] unless flash[type].blank?        end    end    def flash_type        [:error, :warning, :notice].each do |type|            return type unless flash[type].blank?        end    endend


// FLASH NOTICE ANIMATIONvar fade_flash = function() {    $("#flash_notice").delay(5000).fadeOut("slow");    $("#flash_alert").delay(5000).fadeOut("slow");    $("#flash_error").delay(5000).fadeOut("slow");};fade_flash();var show_ajax_message = function(msg, type) {    $("#flash-message").html('<div id="flash_'+type+'">'+msg+'</div>');    fade_flash();};$(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, request) {    var msg = request.getResponseHeader('X-Message');    var type = request.getResponseHeader('X-Message-Type');    show_ajax_message(msg, type); //use whatever popup, notification or whatever plugin you want});

layout: application.html.haml

        #flash-message            - flash.each do |name, msg|                = content_tag :div, msg, :id => "flash_#{name}"

This is needed in the js response

If you are using RSJ:

page.replace_html :notice, flash[:notice]flash.discard

If you are using jQuery:

$("#flash_notice").html(<%=escape_javascript(flash.delete(:notice)) %>');