How to call API in c# using angularjs How to call API in c# using angularjs ajax ajax

How to call API in c# using angularjs

I usually solve this by using a factory like this -

First in the .cshtml page I load all the angular js required.Then create a factory for the baseURL like this -

function(angular){    var module = angular.module('NameOfMyModule');  //gt the module    module.factory('BaseUrl', function(){         return '@Url.Action("Action", "Controller")';    });}(window.angular);

Then inject that BaseURL inside the controller -

....module.controller('SomeController', [...., 'BaseUrl', function(...., BaseUrl){     $scope.baseUrl = BaseUrl;}]);....`

Finally prepend it in the url

$http.get($scope.baseUrl + /...../).then(....);

I'm not sure if I undestood your question correctly, but I'm using angular constant to set server url

angular.constant("CONSTS", {    "DEV_URL": "http://localhost:12345",    "LIVE_URL": "http://server-ip/app"})

and then in $http call

$http.get(CONSTS.DEV_URL + '/api/controller/method?param=value').    then(function (response) {        if (response.status == 200) {            console.log(;        }});

I'm sure there is a way to automate this (gulp, grunt), but I didn't get there yet.When deploying the app I would just manually change the constant.If I'll find outomatic way to it I'll update the answer.

Hope this helps a bit...

I don't know your build process etc. but usually you can store application path in some constant value in Angular and use it when calling your API as a prefix.

If you have some kind of automated build, it is easy to prepare deployment packages with changed values(by using Gulp/Grunt/TeamCity/Octopus, whatever you like).