How to do AsyncPostBackTrigger for the LinkButton in the Repeater How to do AsyncPostBackTrigger for the LinkButton in the Repeater ajax ajax

How to do AsyncPostBackTrigger for the LinkButton in the Repeater

Inside ItemCreated event of the Repeater control register the button with ScriptManager.

//Inside ItemCreatedEventScriptManager scriptMan = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this);LinkButton btn = e.Item.FindControl("order_button") as LinkButton;if(btn != null){    btn.Click += LinkButton1_Click;    scriptMan.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(btn);}

I had similar problem, but I didn't want to update the whole repeater, only a content outside of the repeater... so what I did was

1. Add the repeater

<asp:Repeater ID="productList" runat="server">  <!-- my repeater --><asp:Repeater>

2. Add the Update Panel with the updatable content, and the trigger

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up" runat="server">    <ContentTemplate>        <!-- when click on repeater's links, this content will be updated -->    </ContentTemplate>    <Triggers>        <!-- trigger will be the repeater's links/btn that generate postback -->        <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="productList" />    </Triggers></asp:UpdatePanel>

Adding the following attribute to the page directive containing the repeater and linkbutton will also work:

<%@ page ClientIDMode="AutoID" %>

I had a control that needed to work both asynchronously and full postback, so using the ScriptManager.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl would not work for me. By enclosing the control (which contained a repeater and linkbutton) inside of an UpdatePanel, the linkbutton would cause an asynchronous postback. With no updatepanel, the linkbutton would cause a fullpostback.

Hope this helps someone else.