How to make controller wait for promise to resolve from angular service How to make controller wait for promise to resolve from angular service ajax ajax

How to make controller wait for promise to resolve from angular service

If all you want is to handle the response of $http in the service itself, you can add a then function to the service where you do more processing then return from that then function, like this:

function GetCompaniesService(options) {  this.url = '/company';  this.Companies = undefined;  this.CompaniesPromise = $http.get(this.url).then(function(response) {    /* handle response then */    return response  })}

But you'll still have use a promise in the controller, but what you get back will have already been handled in the service.

var CompaniesOb = new GetCompanies();CompaniesOb.CompaniesPromise.then(function(dataAlreadyHandledInService) {  $scope.Companies = dataAlreadyHandledInService;});

There is no problem to achieve that!

The main thing you have to keep in mind is that you have to keep the same object reference (and in javascript arrays are objects) in your service.

here is our simple HTML:

<div ng-controller = "companiesCtrl">   <ul ng-repeat="company in companies">     <li>{{company}}</li>  </ul></div>

Here is our service implementation:

serviceDataCaching.service('companiesSrv', ['$timeout', function($timeout){  var self = this;  var httpResult = [    'company 1',    'company 2',    'company 3'  ];  this.companies = ['preloaded company'];  this.getCompanies = function() {    // we simulate an async operation    return $timeout(function(){      // keep the array object reference!!      self.companies.splice(0, self.companies.length);      // if you use the following code:      // self.companies = [];      // the controller will loose the reference to the array object as we are creating an new one      // as a result it will no longer get the changes made here!      for(var i=0; i< httpResult.length; i++){        self.companies.push(httpResult[i]);      }      return self.companies;    }, 3000);                    }}]);   

And finally the controller as you wanted it:

serviceDataCaching.controller('companiesCtrl', function ($scope, companiesSrv) {  $scope.companies = companiesSrv.companies;  companiesSrv.getCompanies();});


As said above, the trick is to keep the reference between the service and the controller. Once you respect this, you can totally bind your controller scope on a public property of your service.

Here a fiddle that wraps it up.

In the comments of the code you can try uncomment the piece that does not work and you will see how the controller is loosing the reference. In fact the controller will keep having a reference to the old array while the service will change the new one.

One last important thing: keep in mind that the $timeout is triggering a $apply() on the rootSCope. This is why our controller scope is refreshing 'alone'. Without it, and if you try to replace it with a normal setTimeout() you will see that the controller is not updating the company list.To work around this you can:

  • don't do anything if your data is fetched with $http as it calls a $apply on success
  • wrap you result in a $timeout(..., 0);
  • inject $rootSCope in the service and call $apply() on it when the asynchronous operation is done
  • in the controller add a $scope.$apply() on the getCompanies() promise success

Hope this helps!

You can pass the $scope into GetCompanies and set $scope.Companies to the data in the service

 function GetCompaniesService(options,scope) {    this.url = '/company';    this.Companies = undefined;    this.CompaniesPromise = $http.get(this.url).then(function(res) {      scope.Companies = res;    }); }

You have to be careful about the order in which you then use the data. That's kind of the reason behind a promise to begin with.