How to pass a value of a variable from a java class to the jsp page How to pass a value of a variable from a java class to the jsp page ajax ajax

How to pass a value of a variable from a java class to the jsp page

Seems like you're doing AJAX, so I'd say your response would need to be encoded in an AJAX-compatible way (JSON, XML, ...).

If you do AJAX-encoding, your function might look like this:

function(response){ var toplevel = response.<your_top_level_element>;} 


We're using JSON Simple for JSON encoding.

Our Java backend then looks like this (simplified version without error checking):

public String execute(){  JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();  jsonResult.put( "result", "ok");  return jsonResult.toJSONString();}

And in the Javascript function:

function(response){ var result = response.result; //now yields "ok"}

From your code,

request.setAttribute("rest", res);

You shouldn't set it as request attribute. Setting request attributes is only useful if you're forwarding to a JSP file. You need to write it straight to the response yourself. Replace the line by


This way it'll end up in the response body and be available as variable response in your JS function.

See also:

If this is an ajax request, you can forward the request into another jsp page rather than return. With this

getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/ajax.jsp").forward(request, response);create the jsp page(ajax.jsp) on your webcontent and add this sample code.<p>${rest}</p> <!-- Note: You can actually design your html here.      You can also format this as an xml file and let your js do the work.//-->

Another way is replace your System.out.println with this

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();out.print("The value of res been passed is "+res);

but I guess this is a bad practice. See example here.