How to post the parameter in ajax call of jquery datatable How to post the parameter in ajax call of jquery datatable ajax ajax

How to post the parameter in ajax call of jquery datatable

Just pass it like a normal jQuery ajax in POST fashion.

The structure should look like this:

ajax: { type: 'POST', url: <path>, data: { your desired data } }


var $table = $('#example').dataTable(     "processing": true,    "serverSide": true,    "bDestroy": true,    "bJQueryUI": true,    "ajax": {        'type': 'POST',        'url': 'getResult.php',        'data': {           formName: 'afscpMcn',           action: 'search',           // etc..        },    }});

In PHP, just access the POST indices as usual (just the straightforward approach):


$form_name = $_POST['formName'];// the rest of your values ...

DataTables manual entry

You can try this way:

$('#example').dataTable( {  "ajax": {    "url": "data.json",    "data": function ( d ) {        d.extra_search = $('#extra').val();    }  }});

$("#tbl").dataTable({            oLanguage: {                sProcessing: '<div id="loader"></div>'            },            bProcessing: true,            "bServerSide": true,            "iDisplayLength": pageSize,            "sAjaxSource": " /PurchaseOrder/AddVendorItems", // url getData.php etc            "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {                aoData.push({ "name": "where", "value": ID +" AND ISNULL(IsFinal,0) = "+ ($("#chkFinal").bootstrapSwitch('state') == true ? 1 : 0) });                aoData.push({"name": "PackIDFK", "value": $("#PackIDFK").val()}) //pushing custom parameters                oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {                    "dataType": 'json',                    "type": "POST",                    "url": sSource,                    "data": aoData,                    "success": fnCallback                } );            } });

This is real time example.The aoData contains all the parameters which is required on server side and you can also push your own custom parameters