HTML5 Video is not working with AngularJS ng-src tag HTML5 Video is not working with AngularJS ng-src tag ajax ajax

HTML5 Video is not working with AngularJS ng-src tag

Just Create a Filter:

app.filter("trustUrl", ['$sce', function ($sce) {        return function (recordingUrl) {            return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(recordingUrl);        };    }]);

In View File:

<audio src="{{Your_URL | trustUrl}}" audioplayer controls></audio>

To play the video I just used the following methodhave a button called play and in the ng-click of the button you have to write this

 var myVideo = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];myVideo.src = vidURL;myVideo.load();;

to play video in ng-repeat use index.hope it helps.

This currently seems like a bug in AngularJS:

Replacing source with <video ng-src="{{src}}" controls></video> seems to be the only way at the moment to at least load a source into the video. Hopefully someone comes around to either fix this or provide a workaround of some sort.