I want a pagination to my options page of wordpress plugin? I want a pagination to my options page of wordpress plugin? ajax ajax

I want a pagination to my options page of wordpress plugin?

The native way of doing this is extending the class WP_List_Table and let WordPress handle all the specifics of the table display. I know it from the plugin Internal Link Check, by kaiser. The example bellow is a stripped version that performs a very simple SQL query.

First, we need a helper page (using PHP5.3+ anonymous functions):

add_action('admin_menu', function() {    add_menu_page(        'TE',         '<span style="color:#e57300;">Table Example</span>',         'edit_pages',         'table-example',         function() {             echo '<div class="wrap">';            screen_icon('edit');            echo '<h2>Table Example</h2>';            new B5F_WP_Table();             echo '</div>';        },        'http://sstatic.net/stackexchange/img/favicon.ico',        1  // create before Dashboard menu item    );});

This is the end result:

custom wp table

And here the class that performs everything (note the need of importing the main class). You'll have to adjust the query and the table columns for your data.

if( is_admin() && !class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) )    require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' );class B5F_WP_Table extends WP_List_Table{    private $order;    private $orderby;    private $posts_per_page = 5;    public function __construct()    {        parent :: __construct( array(            'singular' => 'table example',            'plural'   => 'table examples',            'ajax'     => true        ) );        $this->set_order();        $this->set_orderby();        $this->prepare_items();        $this->display();    }    private function get_sql_results()    {        global $wpdb;        $args = array( 'ID', 'post_title', 'post_date', 'post_content', 'post_type' );        $sql_select = implode( ', ', $args );        $sql_results = $wpdb->get_results("                SELECT $sql_select                    FROM $wpdb->posts                WHERE post_status = 'publish'                ORDER BY $this->orderby $this->order "        );        return $sql_results;    }    public function set_order()    {        $order = 'DESC';        if ( isset( $_GET['order'] ) AND $_GET['order'] )            $order = $_GET['order'];        $this->order = esc_sql( $order );    }    public function set_orderby()    {        $orderby = 'post_date';        if ( isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) AND $_GET['orderby'] )            $orderby = $_GET['orderby'];        $this->orderby = esc_sql( $orderby );    }    /**     * @see WP_List_Table::ajax_user_can()     */    public function ajax_user_can()     {        return current_user_can( 'edit_posts' );    }    /**     * @see WP_List_Table::no_items()     */    public function no_items()     {        _e( 'No posts found.' );    }    /**     * @see WP_List_Table::get_views()     */    public function get_views()    {        return array();    }     /**     * @see WP_List_Table::get_columns()     */    public function get_columns()    {        $columns = array(            'ID'         => __( 'ID' ),            'post_title' => __( 'Title' ),            'post_date'  => __( 'Date' ),            'post_type'  => __( 'Type' )        );        return $columns;            }    /**     * @see WP_List_Table::get_sortable_columns()     */    public function get_sortable_columns()    {        $sortable = array(            'ID'         => array( 'ID', true ),            'post_title' => array( 'post_title', true ),            'post_date'  => array( 'post_date', true )        );        return $sortable;    }    /**     * Prepare data for display     * @see WP_List_Table::prepare_items()     */    public function prepare_items()    {        $columns  = $this->get_columns();        $hidden   = array();        $sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns();        $this->_column_headers = array(             $columns,            $hidden,            $sortable         );        // SQL results        $posts = $this->get_sql_results();        empty( $posts ) AND $posts = array();        # >>>> Pagination        $per_page     = $this->posts_per_page;        $current_page = $this->get_pagenum();        $total_items  = count( $posts );        $this->set_pagination_args( array (            'total_items' => $total_items,            'per_page'    => $per_page,            'total_pages' => ceil( $total_items / $per_page )        ) );        $last_post = $current_page * $per_page;        $first_post = $last_post - $per_page + 1;        $last_post > $total_items AND $last_post = $total_items;        // Setup the range of keys/indizes that contain         // the posts on the currently displayed page(d).        // Flip keys with values as the range outputs the range in the values.        $range = array_flip( range( $first_post - 1, $last_post - 1, 1 ) );        // Filter out the posts we're not displaying on the current page.        $posts_array = array_intersect_key( $posts, $range );        # <<<< Pagination        // Prepare the data        $permalink = __( 'Edit:' );        foreach ( $posts_array as $key => $post )        {            $link     = get_edit_post_link( $post->ID );            $no_title = __( 'No title set' );            $title    = ! $post->post_title ? "<em>{$no_title}</em>" : $post->post_title;            $posts[ $key ]->post_title = "<a title='{$permalink} {$title}' href='{$link}'>{$title}</a>";        }        $this->items = $posts_array;    }    /**     * A single column     */    public function column_default( $item, $column_name )    {        return $item->$column_name;    }    /**     * Override of table nav to avoid breaking with bulk actions & according nonce field     */    public function display_tablenav( $which ) {        ?>        <div class="tablenav <?php echo esc_attr( $which ); ?>">            <!--             <div class="alignleft actions">                <?php # $this->bulk_actions( $which ); ?>            </div>             -->            <?php            $this->extra_tablenav( $which );            $this->pagination( $which );            ?>            <br class="clear" />        </div>        <?php    }    /**     * Disables the views for 'side' context as there's not enough free space in the UI     * Only displays them on screen/browser refresh. Else we'd have to do this via an AJAX DB update.     *      * @see WP_List_Table::extra_tablenav()     */    public function extra_tablenav( $which )    {        global $wp_meta_boxes;        $views = $this->get_views();        if ( empty( $views ) )            return;        $this->views();    }}

Helper plugin to style the admin: WordPress Admin Style, by bueltge

Take this https://stackoverflow.com/a/16358219/1596547 and adopt it to your needs like:

$pagenum = isset( $_GET['pagenum'] ) ? absint( $_GET['pagenum'] ) : 1;$limit = 5; // number of rows in page$offset = ( $pagenum - 1 ) * $limit;$total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `wp_dive`" );$num_of_pages = ceil( $total / $limit );$result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT `id`,`name_cust`,`gender_cust`,`dob_cust` FROM `wp_dive` LIMIT $offset, $limit" );$data_html = '';foreach( $result as $results )     {    $id=$results->id;    $name= $results->name_cust;    $gender= $results->gender_cust;    $dob= $results->dob_cust;?><?php $html= "<div class=\"divContentBody\">";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsOrderNo\">". $id."</span>";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsName\">". $name."</span>";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsGender\">".$gender."</span>";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsDOB\">".  $dob ."</span>";?><?php $html .= "</div>"?><?php$data_html .=$html;  }echo $data_html;$page_links = paginate_links( array(    'base' => add_query_arg( 'pagenum', '%#%' ),    'format' => '',    'prev_text' => __( '«', 'aag' ),    'next_text' => __( '»', 'aag' ),    'total' => $num_of_pages,    'current' => $pagenum) );if ( $page_links ) {    echo '<div class="tablenav"><div class="tablenav-pages" style="margin: 1em 0">' . $page_links . '</div></div>';}

<?phpglobal $wpdb;$paged = isset( $_GET['paged'] ) ? (int) $_GET['paged'] : 1;$limit = 10; // Row in a single$offset = ( $paged - 1 ) * $limit;$total = $wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `wp_dive`' );$num_of_pages = ceil( $total / $limit );$result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT `id`,`name_cust`,`gender_cust`,`dob_cust` FROM `wp_dive` LIMIT $offset, $limit" );$data_html = '';foreach( $result as $results )     {    $id=$results->id;    $name= $results->name_cust;    $gender= $results->gender_cust;    $dob= $results->dob_cust;?><?php $html= "<div class=\"divContentBody\">";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsOrderNo\">". $id."</span>";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsName\">". $name."</span>";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsGender\">".$gender."</span>";?><?php $html .= "<span class=\"clsDOB\">".  $dob ."</span>";?><?php $html .= "</div>"?><?php$data_html .=$html;  }echo $data_html;$page_links = paginate_links( array(    'base' => add_query_arg( 'paged', '%#%' ),    'format' => '',    'prev_text' => '«',    'next_text' => '»',    'total' => $total,    'current' => $paged) );if ( $page_links ) {    echo '<div class="tablenav"><div class="tablenav-pages" style="margin: 1em 0">' . $page_links . '</div></div>';}?>