Javascript event when mouse leaves browser window [duplicate] Javascript event when mouse leaves browser window [duplicate] ajax ajax

Javascript event when mouse leaves browser window [duplicate]

SUMMARY: This can be done cleanly by checking the relatedTarget property during the mouseout event. If relatedTarget is not a child of document, then the mouse just left the window. It's easy to do yourself, but if you don't want to, some libraries (Mootools, future Prototype..) have baked-in functionality, and others (current Prototype) have extensions available. On IE, you could instead use mouseleave, which is a non-bubbling version of mouseout.


IE has events called mouseenter and mouseleave that are non-bubbling versions of mouseover and mouseout. Other browsers do not, but if they did, setting a mouseleave listener on window or document would do the trick.

A gentleman named Ken Snyder comes to the rescue:

On a mouseover, the relatedTarget property references the node from which the pointer came. On a mouseout, the relatedTarget property references the node to which the pointer went.On any event, the scope is the node to which the event is attached.When the relatedTarget is a not child of the currentTarget, a mouseover event is equivalent to a mouseenter event and a mouseout event is equivalent to a mouseleave event.


This makes it possible to implement mouseenter and mouseleave in other browsers. In fact, Ken provides same Prototype code to do so:

Duroth pointed out in comments that MooTools already includes something similar. (Thanks Duroth.) It sounds like the upcoming Prototype release (1.6.2) may include this functionality, but I can't find anything definite.

Using only javascript, no prototype or jquery etc.

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">  var mouseX = 0;  var mouseY = 0;  var counter = 0;var mouseIsIn = true;function wireEvent() {window.addEventListener("mouseout",    function(e){        mouseX = e.pageX;        mouseY = e.pageY;        if ((mouseY >= 0 && mouseY <= window.innerHeight)        && (mouseX >= 0 && mouseX <= window.innerWidth))            return;        //do something for mouse out        counter++;        mouseIsIn = false;        document.getElementById('in_out').innerHTML='out' + counter;    },    false);window.addEventListener("mouseover",    function(e){        if(mouseIsIn)            return;        //do something for mouse over        counter++;        mouseIsIn = true;        document.getElementById('in_out').innerHTML='in' + counter;    },    false);}</script> </head><body onload="wireEvent();"><div id="in_out"> </div><div style="width:300px; height: 200px; background: red;">Dummy element</div></body></html>

Added check for mouse position on mouseout triggered when moving in/out elements within the body. If it's within the window, mouseout event is not triggered.
Also introduced a flag for current status of mouse 'in' or 'out' using mouseIsIn. If it is true, mouseover will not trigger too.

Perhaps you can set a listener for mouseover and mouseout document, body or some other element that wraps the entire document, and use that (by saving that it happened) as a trigger to determine whether it is a valid mouseout on window?

Failing that, your first idea (regarding position check) should work pretty good. Any event passes along the X/Y the event occured. If it is anything farther than height/width of the window, you left the actual window. If it is negative anything, you left the window. And, possibly, if it is exactly the height/width or exactly top: 0 or left: 0, then you left the window.