jQuery and AJAX response header jQuery and AJAX response header ajax ajax

jQuery and AJAX response header

cballou's solution will work if you are using an old version of jquery. In newer versions you can also try:

  $.ajax({   type: 'POST',   url:'url.do',   data: formData,   success: function(data, textStatus, request){        alert(request.getResponseHeader('some_header'));   },   error: function (request, textStatus, errorThrown) {        alert(request.getResponseHeader('some_header'));   }  });

According to docs the XMLHttpRequest object is available as of jQuery 1.4.

If this is a CORS request, you may see all headers in debug tools (such as Chrome->Inspect Element->Network), but the xHR object will only retrieve the header (via xhr.getResponseHeader('Header')) if such a header is a simple response header:

  • Content-Type
  • Last-modified
  • Content-Language
  • Cache-Control
  • Expires
  • Pragma

If it is not in this set, it must be present in the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header returned by the server.

About the case in question, if it is a CORS request, one will only be able to retrieve the Location header through the XMLHttpRequest object if, and only if, the header below is also present:

Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location

If its not a CORS request, XMLHttpRequest will have no problem retrieving it.

 var geturl;  geturl = $.ajax({    type: "GET",    url: 'http://....',    success: function () {      alert("done!"+ geturl.getAllResponseHeaders());    }  });