JQuery POST request transforming into OPTIONS. Why? JQuery POST request transforming into OPTIONS. Why? ajax ajax

JQuery POST request transforming into OPTIONS. Why?

This could happen if you violate the same origin policy restriction. The Access-Control-Request-Method request header makes me think this is the case. I see that you specify a full address https://internal.company.com/data/displayUserList in your post request. Make sure that the page hosting this script is originating from https://internal.company.com as well. The best would be to use a relative address:

$.post('/data/displayUserList', { Email: "", Name: "%GEORGE%" },     function(responseText, textStatus) {        console.log("Response:\n" + responseText + textStatus);    });

if you are trying to call a different server in another domain then the strategy to overcome this should reside in the backend to make the server to allow calls from a different front-end domain and in that case you shouldn't break your head trying to adjust this in the front end.