jQuery post respond with readyState:0, status:0 jQuery post respond with readyState:0, status:0 ajax ajax

jQuery post respond with readyState:0, status:0

For me this problem was caused by a cross-domain issue.So I had a local html file (c:\test.html) and tried to get data from a server (localhost/servlet).When putting html on the server - the problem was gone.

If the browser switches the web page while an XHR request is still in progress (the user clicked a link, the back button, …), this XHR request will be cancelled with exactly your error.

Have a look at the following blog post, where the issue is explained in depth: http://bartwullems.blogspot.de/2012/02/ajax-request-returns-status-0.html

You forgot to tell jQuery that the server is returning JSON:

   var jqxhr = $j.post(myPHP, function() {           alert("success");         }, "json") // here        .success(function() { alert("second success"); })        .error(function(data) { alert(JSON.stringify(data)); })        .complete(function() { alert("complete"); });