Make an AJAX request using $.ajax in MVC 4 Make an AJAX request using $.ajax in MVC 4 ajax ajax

Make an AJAX request using $.ajax in MVC 4

You just need to make it an ActionResult. Also, if you're using an Ajax POST, then the action needs to be marked with the HttpPost attribute. Try this:

[HttpPost]public ActionResult test(string dealerID){    return Content("It works");}

Edit Actually, there are a few other problems with the syntax.

  1. Url.Action has the controller/action parameters in the wrong order -- should be "ActionName" first, then "ControllerName"
  2. For Url.Action, if the controller class is "HomeController", then you need just "Home"
  3. The JQuery options syntax is wrong -- should be success: function(data) {}.

$.ajax({    url: '@Url.Action("test", "Home")',    data: {dealerID: dealerID},    type: 'POST',    success: function(data) {        alert(data);    }});