Populate state and city dropdowns based on country and state using jQuery Populate state and city dropdowns based on country and state using jQuery ajax ajax

Populate state and city dropdowns based on country and state using jQuery

You need to cascade the .change() events of the three text boxes such that:

  • Changing country:
    • Empties the state and city dropdown
    • Populates the state dropdown (asynchronously)
  • Changing state:
    • Empties the city dropdown
    • Populate the city drop down (asynchronously)

Below is a draft outline which shows how to chain the event handlers. The dropdowns are populated asynchronously so the dependent dropdowns are emptied before AJAX request.

$("#country").change(function () {    $("#state, #city").find("option:gt(0)").remove();    $("#state").find("option:first").text("Loading...");    $.getJSON("/get/states", {        country_id: $(this).val()    }, function (json) {        $("#state").find("option:first").text("");        for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {            $("<option/>").attr("value", json[i].id).text(json[i].name).appendTo($("#state"));        }    });});$("#state").change(function () {    $("#city").find("option:gt(0)").remove();    $("#city").find("option:first").text("Loading...");    $.getJSON("/get/cities", {        state_id: $(this).val()    }, function (json) {        $("#city").find("option:first").text("");        for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {            $("<option/>").attr("value", json[i].id).text(json[i].name).appendTo($("#city"));        }    });});

Exactly like others said, you have to handle the onchange event of country & state select inputs & apply your logic. I have fiddled here for getting states dynamically on selecting a country, you might be able to code the rest yourself - Fiddle

You may also see this Populating Dropdown Based On Other Dropdown Value

You need to get the value of the "previous" dropdown, and filter out the other ones. Basicly you got two options:

  1. Have all three dropdowns with all values. Then filter out those which is not needed.
  2. Upon selecting a value in the first one, hook the change() event, make an ajax call to some backend with the selected value, and return the states and cities that corresponds to that country.