Problem with access token in Strava API v3 GET all athlete activities Problem with access token in Strava API v3 GET all athlete activities ajax ajax

Problem with access token in Strava API v3 GET all athlete activities

On October 15, 2018 Strava enhanched the authorization process introducing new list of scopes.

Are you using the access token you find on

This token has scope:read that maybe is not enough to do what you want (i.e. are your activities public or private?).

If you need a new token with different scopes you have to follow these steps.

STEP 1: redirect the user to Strava's authorization page:    client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&    redirect_uri=YOUR_CALLBACK_DOMAIN&    response_type=code&    scope=YOUR_SCOPE

STEP 2: read code parameter from response:


STEP 3: ask for a new access token using a POST containing the authorization code; you'll find the new access_token in the JSON response.    client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&    client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET&    code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE_FROM_STRAVA&    grant_type=authorization_code

You can find client ID, client secret and callback domain in your application page.

You can find the list of new scopes in this documentation.

If you are the only person that use your application you can manually do the first 2 steps using a browser and http://localhost as callback domain.

I don't have enough points to comment, but I have done exactly this recently!

In order to make it work you have to set scope=activity:read (instead of 'scope=read') in Step 1.

Strava api access... This short youtube video walks you thru the steps. and here is a text file on github that has the corresponding links.

/// get a new access token because it changes. Step 3 in the text file        var value = new Dictionary<string, string>         {            { "client_id", "abc" },            { "client_secret", "defg" },            { "refresh_token", "highlmnop" },            { "grant_type", "refresh_token" }         };        var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(value);        var result = await client.PostAsync("", content);        string resultContent = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();        var stravaDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<StravaRoot>(resultContent);        // end get new access token public class StravaRoot    {        public string token_type { get; set; }        public string access_token { get; set; }        public int expires_at { get; set; }        public int expires_in { get; set; }        public string refresh_token { get; set; }    }