Rails 3 AJAX remote form call backs Rails 3 AJAX remote form call backs ajax ajax

Rails 3 AJAX remote form call backs

Wow, that was a colossal waste of an evening.

Doing it the way I did, the default prototype rails.js won't linkup the callbacks.

After converting to the jQuery based rails.js (http://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs) callbacks are working fine.

You can trigger the Prototype-based callbacks like so:

$('formname').observe('ajax:before', function(){  ...});$('formname').observe('ajax:complete', function(request){  ...});

However, I don't think the request object in the ajax:complete callback contains the response. I'm used to jQuery and had hoped that accessing the response would be simple. Instead, it looks like switching to jQuery-Rails may still be easier, as I can't seem to find drop-in Prototype code to replace the :update functionality from Rails 2 remote helpers.

If the accepted answer don't fixed your problem, check if you have embedded multiple jQuery libraries. In my case I had two different version of jQuery embedded and after removing one of them, everything worked fine.