Redraw datatables after using ajax to refresh the table content? Redraw datatables after using ajax to refresh the table content? ajax ajax

Redraw datatables after using ajax to refresh the table content?

It looks as if you could use the API functions to

  • clear the table ( fnClearTable )
  • add new data to the table ( fnAddData)
  • redraw the table ( fnDraw )


I guess you're using the DOM Data Source (for server-side processing) to generate your table. I didn't really get that at first, so my previous answer won't work for that.

To get it to work without rewriting your server side code:

What you'll need to do is totally remove the old table (in the dom) and replace it with the ajax result content, then reinitialize the datatable:

// in your $.post callback:function (data) {    // remove the old table    $("#ajaxresponse").children().remove();    // replace with the new table    $("#ajaxresponse").html(data);    // reinitialize the datatable    $('#rankings').dataTable( {    "sDom":'t<"bottom"filp><"clear">',    "bAutoWidth": false,    "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",        "aoColumns": [         { "bSortable": false, "sWidth": "10px" },        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null        ]    }     );}

Try destroying the datatable with bDestroy:true like this:

$("#ajaxchange").click(function(){    var campaign_id = $("#campaigns_id").val();    var fromDate = $("#from").val();    var toDate = $("#to").val();    var url = '';    $.post(url, { campaignId: campaign_id, fromdate: fromDate, todate: toDate},            function( data ) {                 $("#ajaxresponse").html(data);                oTable6 = $('#rankings').dataTable( {"bDestroy":true,                    "sDom":'t<"bottom"filp><"clear">',                    "bAutoWidth": false,                    "sPaginationType": "full_numbers","aoColumns": [         { "bSortable": false, "sWidth": "10px" },        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null,        null        ]} );            });});

bDestroy: true will first destroy and datatable instance associated with that selector before reinitializing a new one.

I'm not sure why. But


Works for me. I put it in the next line.