Restlet, CLAP, Ajax, and chunk timeouts Restlet, CLAP, Ajax, and chunk timeouts ajax ajax

Restlet, CLAP, Ajax, and chunk timeouts

I don't know which server connector you use for your application but it seems that it's the default one.

Restlet is pluggable and extensible at different levels. I recommend you to use the Jetty one. To do that simply add the JAR file for the Jetty extension (org.restlet.ext.jetty.jar) within your classpath. The connector will be automatically registered and use instead of the default one.

I also recommend you to upgrade to the latest version (2.3).

To see which connectors are registered in the Restlet engine, you can use the following code:

List<ConnectorHelper<Server>> serverConnectors       = Engine.getInstance().getRegisteredServers();for (ConnectorHelper<Server> connectorHelper : serverConnectors) {    System.out.println("Server connector: "+connectorHelper);}

You shouldn't have such problems after doing this.

Hope it helps you,Thierry